Saturday, October 29, 2016

Haunted House - Sanford, North Carolina: A True Story

Many years ago we were looking at houses in and around Sanford, North Carolina.  Some of the houses felt like such happy places where you'd love to live.  Others were much less happy.

It is an odd thing, but when I go in houses, especially empty houses, they tend to make me feel one way or another.  Like the houses themselves soak up energy from their occupants and keep it in the walls and floors.

One such house made me so sad when I went inside that I could not stay in there.  The realtor admitted the couple who were selling that house were divorcing after many years of loud fights and neighborhood disruptions.  He asked me how I knew.  I said, "This is the saddest house I have ever entered."

I fear that realtor thought me crazy.

There was another house in Sanford, NC back then that I refused to enter.  It was a lovely house.  Big old white two-story house.  It would have been perfect for us had it not been haunted.

Even my sons felt it.  I told the realtor there was something evil in that house.  My eldest son said, "Yes.  It is behind the room on the left," and I agreed.

The realtor actually stepped back and looked at us with something akin to fear.  He said, "You know, that is strange that you say that because that area is exactly where we found an insect infestation.  The exterminators are having a time eliminating all of them.  They keep coming back, but we can't figure out where they are coming from."

I said, "The evil is attracting them.  We need to leave.  Now," and we did.

It was only two days or so later that the realtor called me at my home and told me that beautiful old two-story white house burned to the ground the night before.

I asked him what started the fire, and he said, "No one knows, but it started in the area behind that room where the insects were.  I thought you'd want to know."

I thanked him for calling and told him I was not surprised.  Evil and hatred attract all manner of bad things.

We never did move to Sanford, and that's okay with me. I figure that fire either purged or released that evil.  I'd rather not take the chance of being anywhere around in case it was the latter.  -shudder-

How many of you have had such experiences?  I'm betting more than a few....

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