Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Anticipating My Firstborn Son

I just love a cold and rainy December day.

The Christmas tree is lit. The dogs are quietly napping. A Christmas Carol is playing on TV. Here I sit with delicious homemade shortbread and a nice warm cup of coffee. 

Forty nine years ago today I was sitting with quite a different Christmas tree. It was a fragrant cedar, decorated with popcorn garland, bright red ball ornaments from  the 5 & Dime, and a homemade star on top. It stood in a much smaller home with anticipation in the air and a twinge of fear. 

It was another dark and dreary rainy day back then. The two magnolias out front swayed in the wind. The weatherman on Channel 7 was calling for a rare December snow, and I was alone with my unborn child that day. Waiting and watching. 

My labor started in the wee hours that night. By morning my husband was calling his workplace explaining he couldn't work that day. 

There was no hospital in our little town, so come daylight, we headed to my obstetrician's office just over the state line. I remember the sleet turning to snow as we drove. I was immediately sent to the hospital. Before night arrived the world was white, and my firstborn son was born. 

My son's 49th birthday cake now sits in my kitchen waiting for decoration. A gift is waiting to be wrapped, and I am once again sitting in anticipation of seeing him on his birthday tomorrow. I will once again be driving over the state line, but to his home now. 

We are older now. Life has written many chapters on our faces and in our hearts, but the love of a mother for her child only grows with time. 

49 years tomorrow I have been a mother. 49 years of blessings. I am truly blessed.