Tuesday, August 2, 2016

What if we are what we eat?

What if we truly are what we eat?

What if we ingest not only the meat but the emotions, the essence, of the fish, birds, and animals that we eat?

What if eating sad animals makes us sad?

What if eating mistreated or abused animals affects some of us more than others?  What if it can cause depression?  Health problems? Mental problems?

What if eating animals kept in fear and filth is slowly killing us?

What if eating force-fed animals (or maybe even overly fertilized "forced to grow" plants) contributes to our own obesity?

What if "factory farming" is detrimental to our health?

What if eating animals who died in anger and horror contributes to how we think? How we feel?

What would happen if we started treating our livestock humanely?  What if we gave them respect?  What if we treated them just as we would want to be treated if the roles were reversed?

What if we gave them proper food, water, shelter, and space?  What if we gave them access to the environments their species were meant to enjoy?  What if we tried our best to give them happy lives?  Or at least tried to keep them mentally, emotionally, and physically healthy?

They are living breathing beings.  I'm betting their life energy affects their bodies.

What if eating animals who had happy, healthy lives would make us happy and healthy?

Just something I'm thinking about today.  Thought I would share.

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