Now. When I was very little (before Daddy died) we usually had at least one chicken in the yard. She would give us eggs until she grew too old and then, well, you can guess what happened.
I always struggled with eating animals I knew personally, so as I grew older, I tried to never get attached to farm animals that were being raised for food. It is not in my nature to be that way though, so I cried many times watching my family eat when I was little.
It just seems wrong to eat your friends.
Eating strangers now...that is different. I know. I'm crazy.
Anyway, I grew up in a very small town where there were a few chicken farmers. I remember going in chicken houses with Daddy and his friends to gather eggs when I was small. I can still smell those houses. It is not a smell you forget.
There were rows and rows of chickens squawking and flapping their wings and laying eggs everywhere, and there was always a rooster.
Oh that rooster in the hen house thought he was hot stuff! He'd swagger around like he was God's gift to women chickens, which, I guess he thought he was. He would also jump on your head and spur your eyes out if you were not careful to avoid him...or at least that is what I was told.
I was always careful to avoid him.
Then when I was a about a pre-teenager or so, a friend's sister got all involved with show chickens. I had never seen such chickens in my life! Gorgeous!
Some show chicken breeds are: Ameraucana (These lay blue and/or green eggs!), Ancona, Black Australorp, Black Breasted Red Cubalaya, Black Jersey Giant, Black Sumatra, Brahma, Campine, Cochin, Crevecoeur, Cubalaya, Dark Brahma, Dominique (America's First Chicken), Dutch Bantam, Faverolle, Hamburg, Houdan, Java, La Fleche, Lakenvelder, Langshan, Leghorn, Malay, Orpington, Phoenix, Polish, Rhode Island Red, Rhode Island White, Rose Comb Mottled, Salmon Faverolles, Seabright, Silkie, Silver Gray Dorking, Silver Phoenix, Silver Spangled Hamburg, Sultan, Turken - Red, Welsummer, White Faced Black Spanish, White Jersey Giant, Wyandotte...and the list goes on!
And you probably thought a chicken was just a chicken! NOT so!
Leghorn is a breed of chicken. Foghorn Leghorn, the cartoon character, was a Leghorn breed of chicken. That is why he was white.
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This is a Leghorn chicken. See? Just like Foghorn Leghorn! |
If you click the links above, you can see photos of all the different breeds. Which are your favorites?
Now. A serious word about fighting chickens.
I am so against throwing away any life for a human's amusement. You have no idea how strongly I feel about this. If you know of anyone participating in such a horrible thing, please call the police immediately. If it were up to me, all people attending such functions would be sterilized so they could not breed more humans prone to such activities. Be glad I am NOT in charge.
That is all I'm going to say about that lest my blood pressure rise too much.
Now...back to the more pleasant part of the post. ☺️
Clearing my throat now...ahem...
As you can see, chickens are much more than what's for dinner. They come in all shapes, sizes, colors and dispositions...much like people, I guess. They even lay different colored eggs! How awesome is that?
I do enjoy chicken for dinner, but I also like to see all the varieties of chickens. I also like to be very thankful to the chickens who give their lives so I can eat. I think that is what saying grace should be all about. We should acknowledge and bless the animals that die for us, as well as the animals that live for us. We should be more aware and more thankful.
Just my opinion. Everyone has one, I know, but I thought I'd share mine with you today. If you are still reading, I thank you so much! I hope you found something interesting and new in today's post. I'll post more random things by and by. It is my nature, I'm afraid.
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