Monday, August 22, 2016

Pretty Convincing Information About Past Lives

Lately I've been thinking a lot about the afterlife and whether or not we have all lived past lives.  I've done a good bit of research on the subject which tends to make me ask more questions.

Here are some of the questions I've been pondering:
  1. Why do I feel like I've known some people forever when we've just met?
  2. Why do I intensely dislike some people on sight?
  3. How do I just "know" some things like the words to songs I should not know and how to fix things I should not know how to repair?
  4. Why do I know so many stories from other time periods?
  5. Why am I so good with animals?
The list goes on and on and on and on....

I've had these questions on my mind a long time and, as I said, I've done quite a lot of research on the subject, so I thought I would share some things with you today.

If you have not yet read the book, Many Lives Many Masters, RUN, do NOT walk, to the nearest library or bookstore and get yourself a copy!  You want to read this book.

Brian L. Weiss, M.D., a graduate of Columbia University and Yale Medical School, is the author of this book. 

Dr. Weiss was head of psychiatry at Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami Beach when he began treating a 27-year-old woman named Catherine. 

Catherine was depressed, anxious, and also suffered from phobias. Dr. Weiss ended up using hypnosis with her to try to get to the root of her problems.  Having no luck and feeling frustrated one day during a hypnosis session, he told her to go back to when her problems began. 

She did. 

Catherine went back to another life.

Over the course of her treatment, Dr. Weiss documented 86 lives that Catherine had lived and became convinced that he should write and share this case study thus putting his career on the line.

Many Lives Many Masters was his first book.  It is the case study of Catherine, and it will rock your world.

Then, as luck would have it, I ran across the book, Mission to Millboro about a whole town being reincarnated together on the opposite coast from where they lived in a previous life.  You may have also seen this story on Oprah back in the 1990s.  These people have actual memories from their previous life together that are supported by verifiable facts.  Fascinating.

But perhaps the most fascinating past life information of all is recorded in Dr. Ian Stevenson's Children Who Remember Previous Lives: A Question of Reincarnation book.  You should also check out all his past life research

Dr. Stevenson has case studies of children who remember recent past lives. Their previous parents are still alive!  The parents from the previous life were found and all the children's memories verified and documented. 

Seriously. You want to explore this stuff. 

Now.  Before you ask or get all bent out of shape, I am a Christian.  

You may ask yourself how a Christian can believe in reincarnation.  Simple.  I believe God can do anything He wants to do.  Just because we don't believe or understand it, doesn't mean it doesn't happen.

God gave me a brain to use, so while I never question my faith, I do question most other things.  I hope you do too.

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