Sunday, June 19, 2016

YOU Have the Power: Unsolicited Father's Day Advice

Happy Father's Day to all the wonderful Dads out there!

Today's post is a bit of unsolicited advice.  Stop reading now if you are easily offended.  (Don't say I didn't warn you.)

Daddy and Mama always taught me to respect and listen to my elders.  Now that I am old and opinionated, I feel the need to share what wisdom I've accumulated over the decades, and I'm hoping to receive from you a little of the respect I gave when I was young.  

In the advice below, I'm using the word he to describe children only because all my children were sons.  If you have daughters instead, please use she in place of he and her in place of him.  

Today's advice is for fathers, but it applies to mothers too, so everyone listen up!

Here goes:

Of all the gifts you will ever receive in this life, your children are the greatest. Cherish them, as they are your future and the future of this brilliant blue ball we circle the sun upon each year.  

Teach them well.

It is not enough to make sure they know how to read and write and know math and science and social studies and other subjects taught in school.  Schools can not teach your children their family history.  

If you, yourself, do not know your family history, ask your parents or grandparents, if you still can, uncles, aunts, or cousins, if you can't, and share those stories with your children. 

Oral history is a powerful thing.

There is power in words.  I think Patrick Rothfuss was on to something when he wrote, The Name of the Wind.  A name is a powerful thing.  

How you speak your child's name can wound or comfort him.  

How you speak about your parents and grandparents, your wife or ex-wife, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. colors your child's opinion of them. 

If you speak with pride, then your child will be proud of his family.  If you speak with bitterness or anger, then your child will feel those emotions towards his own family without ever really knowing them personally or knowing why he feels bitter or angry towards them.

Use words with caution.  Watch your tone.

YOU are He-Man.

YOU HAVE THE POWER! Use it wisely. Use your words for good.

Tell your children family stories.  The gift your children craves the most is the gift of your time and attention.

Sure.  It's fun to play video games or watch movies with your children, but don't forget to also interact with them daily.  Talk to them.

Tell your children what life was like when you were growing up.  Tell them about your parents and grandparents.  Tell them things that will make them proud.  

Tell them the family ghost stories.  Tell them about family Thanksgivings and Christmases.  Tell them about family pets you've loved and about the time you and your brother or sister or cousin or friend....

Share yourself.

Take them to visit your family so they can share their own stories later in their lives.  

Make history with your children.

Therein lies your immortality.

Some of you are saying, "Aw.  I already do all those things!!!" 

I love you the best.

Happy Father's Day! 

Now.  Go eat some barbecue and cake!

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