Friday, June 17, 2016

A Dozen Awesome Kitchen Gadgets!

Today I'm thinking about gadgets.

When I was young the coolest gadget I'd ever heard of was a Swiss Army Knife, but nowadays inventors seem to have gone wild with gadgets.  My favorites are geeky gadgets like this smart watch or this kid's smart watch, or this iFetch gadget that launches balls for your dog to fetch. 

Those things are amazing, but I love to cook, so today I'm going to talk about kitchen gadgets that I really hope to be able to purchase and use after I retire.  I'll have much more time for cooking then!

Hey.  A girl's gotta have some cool toys in her second childhood.  Right? 

Okay.  I admit I plan to purchase some of these before then and I'm putting them on my Amazon Wish List in case my friends and family can't figure out what I want or need as a gift!  😇  My birthday's coming up very very soon!  (Hint Hint 😉)

Here are the things I found interesting this morning:
  1. Nessie Ladle
    This ladle is cheap and awesome and I'm going to buy one very soon if no one else buys me one.  I use ladles a LOT as I love to make homemade soups, so I know I'll use it. 

  2. PancakeBot
    Whoa!  This thing is super cool!  It is a bit much for a retired person, but honestly I love geeky stuff like this.  You'll need to buy an SD card and have a computer handy to use it, but it prints pancakes!  You can go here for more information if you are curious.

  3. Garlic Peeler
    I don't like peeling garlic with my fingers, so I added this gadget for you to see.  Pretty cool.  Over 200 people say it works, so I might buy one eventually. 

  4. Waffle Bowl Maker
    This thing just makes my mouth water.  I imagine waffle bowls of ice cream on hot summer days sitting on my porch after I retire. 

    Yes.  I do like to daydream a lot.  Believe it and it will happen!

  5. 5-Way Opener
    This gadget looks exactly like something I'll need for my arthritic hands in a few years.

  6. Touchless Soap Dispenser
    I've been fighting with my kitchen soap dispenser lately, so I added this touchless one.  If it works, I want one!

  7. Pineapple Corer Peeler
    I've always wanted a pineapple corer peeler thingy, but I'm thinking I really need one.  If you saw how I mutilate my pineapples when trying to cut a fresh one, you'd agree that I need one.  I always have to make pineapple chunks because I'm no good at cutting it any other way.  Slices would be nice sometimes I think.

  8. Apple Corer Slicer
    I already have an apple corer slicer very similar to this one.  I actually use it all the time.  It makes short work of slicing apples for pies and such.  I LOVE mine, so I included it in my gadget list for you. 

  9. Veggie, Zucchini Spaghetti Pasta Noodle Maker
    This gadget looked very interesting.  I might like one of these for sure.

  10. Chip Bag Resealer
    This chip bag resealer is fascinating to me!  I LOVE chips, but I do NOT like stale chips.  If that thing works, I want one!

  11. Electric Salt and Pepper Grinder Set
    This set looks awesome.  When I went to put it in my Amazon Wishlist, I discovered that it was already there!  I've been thinking about buying one of these for some time, I guess. 

  12. Digital Instant Read Cooking Thermometer
    Last (but not least) I looked at this thermometer.  Recently a neighbor came to borrow a meat thermometer and I realized I had broken mine a very long time ago and had not replaced it.  All I had was a coffee thermometer, so I loaned her that.  When I do get around to replacing my meat thermometer, I think one like this one would be nice.  

That's it!  One dozen kitchen gadgets that might (or might not) be fun to play with in my second childhood.  

Pictures of the gadgets are below.  Let me know what you think!

This is my favorite!

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