Thursday, November 3, 2016

Top Ten Ways to Survive the Last Five Days Before the 2016 Presidential Election

We are less than a week away from Election Day 2016.  It seems they've run out of mud to sling, so now they are slinging sh*t. 

These politicians seem to be trying to get you to vote AGAINST the other candidate instead of trying to get you to vote FOR them and their platform.  Beats all I've ever seen, so I've compiled these top ten ways to live through this election without losing too many friends and without alienating so many family members that you have to eat Thanksgiving dinner alone.

Here goes:
  1. Believe only half of what you see and none of what you hear.
    These are generally good words to live by at any given time, but especially during this particular election.  If something sounds way too incredible to be true, please check out the facts before continuing to spread the rumor.
  2. Don't argue politics.
    It is okay to state your political opinion, but do NOT argue with opposing opinions.  You will NOT change that person's mind, but you might delete that person from your life.  Just don't argue.  Walk away.  
  3. Limit social media for the next few days.
    If politics upset you, don't sign onto Facebook or Twitter for the next few days.  The political sh*t slinging is rampant and will definitely upset you.
  4. Focus on the good things either candidate will bring to Washington if elected.
    One of the people running for President will certainly be elected, so instead of focusing on all the bad things, try focusing on the good.  Make a list with only good things.  We will have to live with the new president for the next four years.  We have to accept that and move on with our lives.  Seriously.
  5. Stay away from political news on television.
    At this point we have all pretty much decided who gets our vote, so watch a movie or a TV show instead of political news that will only cause your blood pressure to rise.  Better yet, read a good book or take a long walk!
  6. Set your car radio to an all music channel.
    Again, just don't listen to it at this point.  
  7. Spend some time researching your state's Senatorial and Congressional candidates on the ballot.
    With all the hoo-ha surrounding the presidential election this year, don't forget that there are other very important government positions to fill.
  8. Spend a little time reading the local questions (if any) on your ballot.
    You can find a sample of your ballot online.  Read the local questions as soon as possible and make your decision before going to the poll on November 8th.  When you are standing in front of the voting machine with a gazillion people in line behind you, you may not have time to study these questions carefully, and they should always be studied carefully before you vote. These questions oftentimes ask about increasing sales tax for one thing or another, so an informed vote is very important!
  9. Spend a little time taking extra good care of yourself.
    Eat right. Exercise. Sleep. Rest. Relax. Take your vitamins.  You want to be well rested and clear headed when you enter your polling place Tuesday.  Your decision matters!!!
  10. Don't forget to VOTE!!!
    I don't really care which politician(s) you choose.  I just want you to VOTE!!!  I know it may seem like your voice is so small in the crowd that your vote won't count, but it always counts.  YOU have the right to vote.  YOU are important!  YOU are an American.  YOUR vote counts!
That's my advice for what it is worth.  I'll just be glad to see November 9th this year.

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