Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Facebooking When You Are Older - Top 10 Rules

These are my Facebook (FB) rules.  They are not the same rules I would have followed had Facebook been around when I was young, but now that I am over 60, these are the rules I live by on FB.
  1. Be kind.
    Follow the Golden Rule, but take care of yourself.  If someone is being unkind to you, BLOCK them. You do NOT need nor should you tolerate that kind of stress in your life.
  2. Do NOT argue.
    Arguing on FB is pointless, especially about politics.  You will NOT change anyone's opinion, but you can lose friends.  Just don't do it.  It is not worth it. It is okay to state an opinion, but do NOT try to force other people to share it.
    That is NOT okay.
  3. BLOCK people who argue with you. 
    Let all your friends know that FB is for fun and any arguing will cause them to get blocked.  If they want to argue with you, then they should do that the next time they see you in person, NOT on social media.  If they never want be able to see your posts again, then they should argue with you on FB.
  4. BLOCK people who insult you.
    There is enough stress in real-life.  You do NOT need stress delivered straight to your pocket from people you haven't seen in years (or have never seen) who live hundreds of miles away.
  5. Do NOT friend people you do NOT know.
    There are always exceptions to this rule, but generally, unless they are long lost family, it is not a good idea to friend strangers on FB.
  6. Support your friends. 
    Pray for them.  Listen to them. Encourage them.  Celebrate their successes and happy life events.  Be their shoulder to cry on when needed.  
  7. Share your news. 
    Happy news. Sad news. Good news. Bad news.  Share your life with your friends.  Complain.  Yell.  Rejoice.  Brag. Be your true self.
  8. Spread cheer!
    Share those cat, dog, bird, and baby videos.  Share new scientific discoveries.  Share good books, good music, good art, good movies, good recipes, good events, etc.  Share a smile.  Joke.  Grin.  Laugh.  
  9. Share your photos and videos with your friends!
    Especially when you are older, you don't always feel up to traveling or attending every event, but you sure love to live vicariously!
  10. Be aware of your FB privacy settings.
    Make sure your FB account is secure.  Make sure you do NOT share truly personal information publicly.  That is just asking for trouble.
 At this stage in life you realize that life is short.  Minutes are precious.  Use Facebook for FUN and your days (and nights) will be happier.

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