Sunday, January 29, 2017

Dog Fights

Dog fights happen so fast.  One minute everything is okay.  The next minute it is on! 

I've broken up my share of dog fights in my time, but I am old and my dogs are big, so it's harder for me now.

Now, don't get me wrong.  My dogs seldom fight.  My girl actually NEVER fights if there is any other way of dealing with the situation, but the boy dog is large and in charge, so he will sometimes fight given the right circumstances. 

Friday night we tried to introduce him to the neighbor's new young pit bull, who is only about eight or nine months old and very playful.  My girl dog and the little pit bull play very well together, so we decided to introduce the boys.  NOT a good idea, as it turns out.

The dogs were fine after the fight, but I hurt my left hand, which is still very sore.

Then today we were at the dog park attending a memorial for one of my friends who passed away last week.  He was a dog lover and visited that dog park about every day, so everyone decided to meet there for his memorial.  It was a bittersweet kind of day.

The people who adopted his two precious dogs brought them, and everyone else brought their dogs too.  We all talked about our friend and told our memories of him.  We had been there for some time and all was well with my dogs, but someone brought dog treats, and Stark and Pepper, one of the deceased's dogs, decided they wanted the same treat, and it was on! 

Stark almost never fights girl dogs, but if treats are involved, he'll make an today.

I tried to grab him, but he got away, so I grabbed his hind legs and tried to pull him away from Pepper, but he jerked away and I fell backwards and twisted my knee.  I am going to be sore all over tomorrow.  I'm already feeling much stiffer than usual. 

A man, who was stronger than me, grabbed Stark and someone else grabbed Pepper and they got them pulled apart.  Someone had to help me up, but I could thankfully walk and didn't break anything this time.  Stark's mouth was bleeding pretty bad, so I brought him home.  Pepper was fine. 

Stark's mouth is fine now.  The bleeding stopped, and I honestly can't see where he was bitten.  He may have bitten his own tongue for all I know.  I'm honestly not sure.

I'm hoping that's all the dog fights I have to deal with for a good long while.  Thank goodness the dogs were not really that serious and no one was hurt worse. 

I've seen a lot of videos and television shows that tell you how to break up a dog fight, but, just so you know, when it is YOU in the middle of the dog fight, NONE of those things will work every time.

The WORST video showing how to break up a dog fight would be one like this:

Whatever you do, do NOT try breaking up a dog fight like this. Seriously. You will most likely be bitten.

Most of the videos say to grab the dogs by the collar or by the back legs and slowly pull them apart turning them facing away from each other.  Some say to squirt them with water or a special spray or some other thing that there is no way you are going to have handy unless it is your own dogs fighting inside your own house.  

I say there is not necessarily a right way to break up a dog fight, but there are plenty of wrong ways.  If it is your dog fighting, then you probably already know the best way to stop the fight.  I'll just leave it at that.

Dog fights are sure scary.  I'm glad the dogs are okay.  I seem to have been hurt worse than any of the dogs, which does not surprise me.  I'm getting too old for this.  Let's hope it doesn't happen again.

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