Saturday, January 21, 2017

Angel Numbers - 1111, 2222, etc.- and Their Meanings

It came to my attention this morning that yesterday's Inauguration Day post was my blog post number 222.  This reminded me of the meaning of Angel Numbers.

About a year or so ago I started seeing 111 and 11:11 and 4444, etc. numbers just everywhere.  I saw them every single day for months, and I still see them often, but not as much as that period of my life.

These numbers have meaning.  There are whole websites and blogs on the subject of Angel numbers.  One of my favorites is ANGEL NUMBERS - Joanne Sacred Scribes located at: This site has a lot of information and it is organized well, but it is only one of possibly hundreds of such sites.  If you are interested, I would recommend checking out a few.

There are also many books written on the subject: Angel Numbers 101: The Meaning of 111, 123, 444, and Other Number Sequences and other books by Doreen Virtue, Number Sequences and their Messages: Unravel Divine Assistance by Amelia Bert, Messages in the Numbers: The Universe is Talking to You by Alana Fairchild and Michael Doran, Angel Numbers by Jason A. Wright, I keep seeing 11:11 Do You? by Natasha Nanda, and others.

People have built careers around studying and explaining these numbers.

It is a real thing.

The number sequence 222 appearing to me on Inauguration Day is significant.  It tells me that everything will turn out for the best in the end.  With the country divided and vocal about their fears and concerns regarding the future of our nation, my post being number 222 comforts me.

It tells me God is in his Heaven and all's right with the World.

It doesn't mean stop trying to make the Earth a better place to live, it just reinforces my belief that all things happen as they should.

Each Angel Number you see has a different meaning.  If you find yourself seeing these numbers, your spirit guides are trying to communicate with you. 

The 111 sequence I was seeing so often was a warning to watch my thoughts because my thoughts were quickly being reality. It was a plea for me to be more aware and reflective of what I want to do with the rest of my life.

The 1111 sequence is a herald of major changes in your life.  Again, watch my thoughts lest they become reality, but more than that, it tells a story of a new reality about to come into my life.

The 444 sequence is telling me my angels are near.  They are watching over me and helping me through all the hard work I need to do to create the change that is coming in my life.  All is well and as it should be.

The 4444 sequence is basically telling me my angels are with me.  All I need do is ask for their help and guidance.  They recognize the change that is coming and will protect me as my life changes.  I am on the right path.

What are your Angel numbers telling you?  Did you even know about Angel numbers?  Have you ever wondered why you keep seeing certain numbers?

If you'd like to know the answer to any of those questions, I'd recommend you do a little self-reflection and research.  You might be surprised at the answers you find.

God has a plan.

Here are some short and to the point, basic Angel number definitions from that may help you better understand the numbers:

0 – You are receiving divine guidance and reassurance on your path.

1 – Keep your thoughts positive, focus on your desires and suppress your fears. Your thoughts create reality.

2 – Stay optimistic and continue to hold the vision, even through tough times.

3 – Your guides are with you offering love and wisdom.

4 – Your angels are surrounding you to offer assistance in this exact moment.

5 – Positive change is coming. Ask your angels to help you manifest this change.

6 – Release fear, embrace trust, and find balance between the spiritual and material realms.

7 – Your path is aligned with Divine fortune. Pay attention to new opportunities.

8 – Infinite success and abundance are yours, in alignment with your Higher Purpose.

9 – It is time to begin the work of your Soul Path, now that you have all you need.

11 – Your intuition is on target. Keep your thoughts and vision aligned with your intention and your greatest dreams.

22 – Be patient, your prayers have been received and will soon be realized if you continue to work towards them.