Friday, December 9, 2016

Happy Birthday to My Daddy in Heaven!

Today would have been my father's 116th birthday if he were still alive.  He was born December 9, 1900.

I always remember Daddy on his birthday.

Daddy used to tell me stories of how things were when he was just a boy.  I didn't believe half of them at the time because I just couldn't imagine things like that.  Later in life I realized that he was telling me the truth.

Daddy said when he was little all the roads in Blacksburg, SC were dirt roads.  Just imagine!!  

The first time Daddy told me this we were standing on a hill looking at the two huge dirt roads that cut off the access of our favorite route to Shelby, NC.  Two HUGE dirt roads as far as the eye could see.  

Those dirt roads became Interstate 85 that runs from Charlotte to Atlanta and beyond on both sides of those cities, but at that time in my life I didn't understand the history I was witnessing.  I didn't understand what those dirt roads would bring. I had never been to a big city.  I had never really seen much traffic.

When I was a little girl, Independence Blvd in Charlotte was just a regular two lane street that went through neighborhoods.  I'm guessing if I said that to my granddaughters they'd probably not be able to picture it, like I couldn't picture Blacksburg with only dirt streets.

We live history every day, and most of the time we just don't pay attention, or we don't realize we're witnessing something important.  Hindsight is much clearer than the present. 

My Daddy would be amazed to see Charlotte and Rock Hill today.  

I wish he had lived to see computers.  He would have LOVED computers, and I'm betting he would have been able to fix them with no problems at all.  Daddy could fix anything electronic.  His mind worked that way.  People would marvel at how he understood things like that.  I tended to take it for granted.  Daddy was just like that.

Daddy was the eldest of ten children.  Can you imagine the responsibility that was placed on him as he was growing up?  It boggles the mind to think about it, but I'm sure Daddy took it all in stride.  He was like that too.

Yes.  I'm remembering my Daddy today.  I sure hope he's having a Happy Birthday up in heaven with all his siblings right now!  They are all there with him.  All ten.  I miss them and think of them often.  

Life is like that.  Constantly changing.

Here is a photo of Daddy with his Mama and Daddy and an Aunt and half his siblings.  The other five siblings were not yet born when this photo was taken.  

Daddy is the boy standing beside his Mama behind Aunt Jeanette and Aunt Paulene.  I love this picture.  I never met either of my grandfathers as they both died before I was born, but I can see that I look like this grandfather.  I would have liked to have known him.

I wonder which of Daddy's birthdays was next when this photo was taken?  I wonder....

All these people are in heaven now celebrating today with my Daddy.  It comforts me to think of him surrounded by all the people he loved so much.

NOTE FOR MY GRANDDAUGHTERS: The lady in the dark skirt and white blouse is MY Grandma Alice.

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