Thursday, December 8, 2016

Alone During the Holidays? How to NOT Be Lonely.

The holidays are a time of family and friends, but many many people find themselves alone during the holidays.  

This can be the loneliest and saddest time of the year.  I've seen it so many times.

My dog, Buster, was a registered Therapy Dog.  We visited a nursing home and rehab facility for seven years before Buster's death in December 2013.  Each of those years at Christmastime some of the patients would be very sad and lonely. Buster was really good at cheering them up.  They always had a smile for him and a story for me about the dogs they have loved and the people they missed.

They were happy to see Buster and me, but we were not really the people they wanted to see.  They wanted their family and friends. 

Please take a few minutes to call and/or visit your loved ones this year, especially the ones who are older and alone.  Being alone during the holidays can be a terrible thing.

Me?  I'm almost always alone, but I am seldom lonely.  I have my good dogs to keep me company, but I admit I will always miss my sons.  Always.  Any day that they visit is a very happy day.  

Here are some things that always cheer me up if find myself alone and feeling lonely.  You might want to try a few of these things yourself.  They work any time of year, but are especially helpful during the holidays.
  1. Take a walk and say, "Hello!" or "Merry Christmas!" or "Happy Holidays!" to all you pass.
  2. Visit a dog park.  Watching the dogs in their joy of playing and exploring is bound to cheer you up.
  3. Take a drive around nearby neighborhoods and look at Christmas lights.
  4. Go downtown or to the mall and window shop.  Smile at other shoppers and ask their opinions.
  5. Listen to Christmas music from your childhood.
  6. Go to church or visit a church.  Visiting a church of a different denomination or faith can leave you with a feeling of wonder and give you a lot to think about.
  7. Attend a Christmas parade and watch the faces of the little children in the crowd.
  8. Call an old friend or family member that you have not talked with in a very long time.
  9. Read a good book.
  10. Watch all your old favorite Christmas movies on TV or DVD.
  11. Go see a new Christmas movie in your local theater.
  12. Go see a play in a local theater, if possible.
  13. Find an organization you want to support and volunteer.  (Examples: your local SPCA, Meals on Wheels, a food pantry, a homeless shelter, etc.)
  14. Go to a karaoke bar and sing!
  15. Go hear live music.  (ALWAYS a treat!) OR play your own live music if you play an instrument. (Playing my mountain dulcimer is food for my soul.)
  16. Enjoy your favorite coffee shop or go enjoy a cup of coffee or tea in your local bookstore.  Being among the living, even if you don't know anyone, should make you feel better.  You might even make a new friend!
  17. "Talk" to your Facebook friends.  If you are not on Facebook, open an account!
  18. Write a journal.  It will show you how you are feeling.
  19. Take a class of your choice.  I love to take pottery classes, art classes, meditation classes, dog training classes, music classes, etc., but academic classes are good too!
  20. If all else fails, clean your house.  That will take your mind off your troubles for a little while.
Just keep busy.  Try to enjoy yourself.  Be your own best friend.  I've often found that life sends me the proper people when I need them, and when I really need to be alone (whether I want to be alone or not), I find myself alone and it has always been the absolute best thing.  Always.

Life brings us what we need.  Enjoy what you have right now because it will not last.  Nothing ever lasts.  Life is about change, so we should cherish each experience as it comes, learn from it, and let it go. 

Have a blessed holiday season!  Merry Christmas!  Happy Hanukkah!  Joyous Kwanzaa!  Happy Yuletide!  Happy Holidays!

AND a very Happy New Year!

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