Tuesday, September 6, 2016

A Couple of My Poems for You: Kings of Men and Wisdom and The Willow

Today I decided to share a couple of my poems with you.  The first is Kings of Men and Wisdom from my poetry book, Alice's Verse.

The second is also from Alice's Verse, but the subject matter is very different. Here is The Willow:

For those of you who had rather read than listen, I'm including the text below.  Enjoy!

Kings of Men and Wisdom

All Kings of men are but animated dust
Wandering Earth while they may
Conquering what they can
Collecting bounty and booty

But all their power is like water on a griddle
As are their days
...soon evaporated

True power lives in legend
Twisting on the tongues of children
Whispered round the campfires
Shouted in the headphones
...of modern technology

History is only that which is written
Truth can seldom be proven
Wisdom lies in faith....

The Willow

The ancient willow
hangs her head
and cries
tears of yellow green
that fall gently
across the surface
of her drowning
neighbor lake

A lake once
blue and clear
with water sweet
now green and brown
with neglect
and Pepsi cans
and Coke bottles
and potato chip bags
and discarded tires

She stands alone.
Long hair trailing
in the spring breeze
that blows
her sorrow
to me.

She cries for me.

She cries for days
lost in summers yore
when life was new
and she stood strong
with robins in her hair
and hope cracking
forth from each
tiny egg
lying in their woven
cradled in her woody arms

She cries for nights
silken soft
and full of cricket song
and tiny blinking
firefly lights
that made her know
she was not alone

She cries for air
once pure and fresh
now stale exhaust

She cries for land
once green and ripe,
lush and full
of promise,
now dotted with
condominiums and
stores and houses
and schools and
churches and
lined with
wider and wider
ribbons of highways
and byways
and freeways
and driveways
and streets.

She cries for you
closed behind the
doors of progress
wearing blinders
so that you can
not truly see

She cries for me.

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