Sunday, September 25, 2016

Dear Citizens of These United States of America


I'm so upset at the social media feeds I see.  Long time friends and family at each others' throats.  Refusing to listen to each other.  Stubbornly clinging to the theory of, "I'm right and you're wrong and that's it."

I recently posted a message about executive bankers escaping punishment when their organization stole both identities and money from its loyal customers, and just because a democrat delivered that message in the post I actually had a republican friend say she didn't give a hoot about what was said!  

I have to believe that my friend did not listen to the message.  I have to believe that any intelligent adult knows that message needed to be said.  Employees working at the direction of their superiors should never take all the punishment while those superiors escape with millions of dollars and no punishment at all.  Never ever.

Our nation has become a nation of US and THEM.  We are fighting amongst ourselves, and it scares me to death.  

Back in 1768 John Dickinson wrote a ballad called The Liberty Song.  The fourth verse of that ballad declares, "By uniting we stand, by dividing we fall!"  This lyric gave birth to the common slogan, "United We Stand! Divided We Fall!" 

These are not just idle words.  

We are Americans!  We should always stand together!  We need to stop fighting each other.  We need to learn respect for each other.  

We are Americans FIRST!  Political party, race, gender, age, religion, rich, poor, etc. should all be secondary.  It is important that we work together.  Listen to each other.  We have to preserve our Nation.  


America is not a generic blanket
America is a multicolored quilt

Patched together from all the nations of the Earth

Sewn with blood and tears
Spread from shore to shore

Each and every American is part of this quilt
Every single one of us
Hurt one of us and all of us bleed
We are one

When we squabble and fight each other, the eyes of the world are upon us.  Those envious of our great nation are just looking for an opening...a little rip in one of our seams.  That's all they need to start tearing us apart.  Pitting us against each other.  They use the media to broadcast these tears, to show the world that we are weakened.  We are divided.


Stop arguing.  Stop fighting.  Stop hurting one another.  Stop the violence.  Listen to one another, and, by all means, VOTE!

In 1790 still only WHITE MALE adult property-owners had the right to vote.

American BLACK MEN were given the right to vote on February 3, 1870.

American WOMEN were given the right to vote on August 18, 1920, when my own father was 19 years old.  He and his mother voted in their first presidential election together.

On June 2, 1924 NATIVE AMERICANS were granted American citizenship and thus given the right to vote in most states.  (New Mexico was the last of the states to deny the vote to Native Americans.  New Mexico did not allow Native Americans to vote until 1962.)

American 18 YEAR OLDS were given the right to vote on July 1, 1971, which means thousands or more of young American people died in many wars without ever having the right to vote.

Many people suffered to give all of us the right to vote.  VOTE.  Please VOTE, but stop the arguing like children on the playground.

Listen to one another before making decisions.  Be respectful of one another.  Settle our differences peacefully and thoughtfully. Be willing to compromise for the better good.


The fate of our Nation depends on it.

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