Thursday, July 28, 2016

Toxic People - Envious Ellie - Envious Ed

Today I'm thinking about toxic people.  There are many types of toxic people, but today I'm remembering several specific toxic people that I have removed from my life (hopefully forever!) that have the same personalities.  They are all envious of everything and everybody. 

Honestly.  If I had the flu, they would want it!  

Envious people bring you down.  They are never satisfied with their lot in life.  If they won $400,000,000.00 in the lottery, they would complain about only having $200,000,000.00 left (FREE MONEY) after taxes.  Then they would tell the story about how so-and-so won such-and-such and didn't have to pay such outrageous taxes.

They are never satisfied.  

Sometimes their envious nature works in their favor, like when a sibling gets a college degree and they want one too, so they go back to school.  They still won't be happy, but at least they'll be better educated.

Envious people spend a lot of time and energy putting others down.  They hate seeing your successes, but they will absolutely relish your failures and constantly remind you of them for as long as they can.  

Here are some things envious people tend to do or say:
  • Your flashy new late model car with very low mileage will be described simply as an old used car.  
  • If you buy a modular home, which is built to house standards (or better than stick-built house standards), they will describe your home as a double-wide trailer.  
  • If you paint a picture, they will ask you if you traced it.  
  • If you publish a book, they will look to see who the publisher is first thing and if it is not a major national publisher that everyone recognizes, they will scoff at your book without even reading it.  
  • If you win a Tony, they will remind you that it is NOT an Oscar.  
  • If you mention you are applying for a better job, they'll give you a long list of reasons why you could never do that job.
  • If you have a new boyfriend or girlfriend, they will say, "How did you get him (or her) to look at YOU?"
Recognize anyone you know?  Recognize yourself?  

Aw...we all do some of these things sometimes, but I'm talking about people who ALWAYS respond in an envious backhanded way.

The best thing to do is to just avoid these people.  Stay away from them lest you believe some vocal toxin they spew at you.  

That's my advice for today.  

The only person you can change is yourself, and changing YOU is difficult.  Remember that.

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