Monday, July 11, 2016

Developing Management SuperPowers: Alice's How-To Guide

Let's say you need to form a team to complete an important project.  The project has a deadline with no wiggle room, and you already have a full schedule.


Just follow these steps. 

This is a recipe for success.  Don't skip steps.

Here are the basic steps of developing management

First: Answer these questions.  Write the answers down.  Plan for success!  EXPECT success!!!
  1. What is my goal?
  2. What help do I need to accomplish my goal?
  3. How do I effectively communicate my needs to my helpers? 
  4. How do I motivate my helpers to become a team and accomplish the goal?
  5. What tools (resources, people, etc.) will I need?
  6. How can I inspire my team to excel?
NOTE: As a general rule of thumb, if your team is competent, happy, and engaged, your project will be completed with minimal stress.  Keep this in mind when answering the above questions.

Goal setting advice:
  1. Be realistic.
  2. Divide the goal into small manageable tasks that can easily be assigned to team members.
  3. Have a deadline "Set in Stone."
Communication advice:
  1. Know your audience!!!  
  2. Use multiple ways of communicating.
    1. Email, post, chat, phone, text, gossip if you must!
  3. Always always always emphasize the positive.
  4. Document everything!!!!
  5. Listen.
  6. Be empathetic but firm in communicating your needs.
Motivation advice:
  1. The BEST way to motivate is to BE the involved, reliable, available, conscientious person you want on your team.
  2. Share your successes and the successes of others! (Collaborate!)
  3. Be positive! BELIEVE your team can accomplish the task!
  4. Encourage and reward even small progress.
  5. Analyze your progress and show your team their efforts are being acknowledged and rewarded. 
Inspiration advice:
  1. Encourage
  2. Acknowledge
  3. Reward
  4. Be human.  Be approachable.  Be involved.  Be enthusiastic!
A final word about Management SuperPowers.  The KEY to developing Management SuperPowers is attitude.  

  • If you believe you will succeed, truly believe, then you will succeed.  
  • If you are willing to embrace data driven change, then you are well on your way to obtaining Management SuperPowers.
  • If you admit your flaws, are fair, consistent, trustworthy, and available, then you will soon become a Management SuperHero.
BE the type of person you admire.  BE the manager (organizer, employee, student, teacher, etc.) you want on your team. 

BE awesome!

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