Saturday, July 23, 2016

Are Opportunities Really Missed?

I've been thinking a lot about why things happen.  Sometimes the timing of things is all wrong, or is it? 

Do all things happen as they should?  When they should?  Where they should?

For instance, back in the 1990s when I did not have a cell phone, I missed a phone call.  

I had gone from work to a party at a female friend's house on a Friday.  I had a few drinks and didn't want to drive home, so I stayed the night in her guest room.  

When I got home around lunchtime Saturday, I found a message on my telephone answering machine about a job.  They were filming a movie in town and wanted me as an extra that weekend.  

I missed the call. I missed the opportunity.

I had sent in an application for the acting job as a lark and never expected to be called. 

At the time, I was devastated.  My life could have been very different if I had been home to take that call.  I would have met so many new people!

It is true that I never experienced the friendships I would have made through that job.  I never learned the things that job would have taught me, but I have to believe that I was not meant to know those people.  Maybe they did not deserve to know me.  Maybe I did not deserve to know them.  Maybe they would have made me miserable or somehow caused me harm.  Maybe maybe maybe....

Maybe I need to just have faith that I am, right now, today, exactly where I am supposed to be.

Maybe missing the opportunity is the real opportunity.

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