Tuesday, July 5, 2016

July 5th (aka LOST DOG DAY)

So...you had a great time shooting fireworks last night until you realized your dog and/or cat escaped and ran away.

It happens every year.  Fireworks terrify pets.

I have a LOT of true stories about fireworks and escaped pets.  Some are very tragic, but I do have one happy story.  I'll tell you that one to give you hope.  If your pet is lost today, hope is the thing you need most.  

A few years ago I had a neighbor who had three children and one big and wonderful dog.  The dog was an outside dog, but his doghouse was large and under a huge shade tree.  He always had plenty of food and water and was housed in a large fenced yard, so he had plenty of room to run.  Usually the dog never even tried to jump the fence, but one 4th of July was louder than ever with fireworks in the neighborhood.  The  smoke was so thick that you could barely breathe, and the dog jumped clear over that fence and went to quieter surroundings.

Those neighbors love their dog.  They put up "Lost Dog" flyers for miles around.  They contacted Animal Control and all the local shelters.  For three days they were in a panic.  Then the morning of the 4th day, when the fireworks had completely stopped that night before, they looked outside and there was their dog.  He had jumped back in the fence and gone back to his bed.

They were the lucky ones.

If your pet is lost today, I sure hope your story will have a happy ending like my neighbors' story. But just in case your pet can't find his/her way home, I'll give you some suggestions as to how you might find your pet.
  1. Look under houses nearby.  Dogs are "den" animals by nature.  They will try to find a place to "dig in" after the panic passes.  They'll hide.  If your pet is a lost cat, look in the trees as well as under the houses.
  2. Look under cars.
  3. Call Animal Control if there is an Animal Control in your area.  Charleston SC Animal Control:  Address: 180 Lockwood Blvd, Charleston, SC 29403  Phone: (843) 720-3915
  4. Call local animal shelters.  Charleston, SC Animal Shelter information:
    1. Pet Helpers Adoption Center and Spay/Neuter Clinic, 1447 Folly Rd, (843) 795-1110 
    2. Charleston Animal Society, 2455 Remount Rd, (843) 747-4849 
    3. Palmetto Paws, 976 Houston Northcutt Blvd # D,,  (843) 216-3995  
    4. Frances R. Willis SPCA, Address: 136 4 Paws Ln, Summerville, SC 29483, (843) 871-3820  
    5. Doc Williams SPCA Spay/Neuter Clinic, 107 St James Ave, (843) 572-2144 
    6. Doc Williams SPCA of Berkeley County, 502 Cypress Gardens Rd, (843) 761-5266
  5. Talk to your neighbors. Ask them to be on the lookout for your pet.
  6. Post photos of your lost pet(s) on Facebook and other social media.  
  7. Look for "Lost Pets" Facebook or other social media pages in your area and post a photo of your pet.  
  8. Post a "Lost Pet" ad on your local Craigslist.
  9. Post a "Lost Pet" ad in your local newspapers.
  10. Post "Lost Pet" flyers in your neighborhood and also in nearby neighborhoods.
The more people you have involved in finding your pet, the better. 

Be sure to follow-up and let everyone know when your pet is home safe and sound.

I wish you good luck, and I sure hope you find your pet!

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