Tuesday, February 7, 2017

An Older Person's "How to Survive February's Mushiness Guide"

Ah, the dreaded February.  One week until Valentine's Day.  The Valentines.  The questions:

Do you love me?
Will  you be my Valentine?
What did he get you?
What did she get you?
Where are you going for Valentine's Day?

All these questions are well and good if you are in a relationship, but my dogs don't do much for holidays, so I don't have to worry too much about February as a general rule, until I go into a store and am bombarded by reminders that no one will buy me candy.

This has led me to make a list of how to survive all the mushiness of February when you are older and find yourself alone with your children grown and gone:
  1. Love yourself.
    Make a list of your good qualities and post it on your fridge to read every single day of February, lest you forget that you are a lovable, important, deserving person.
  2. Bake.
    I'm convinced baking is good for the soul. I know it is good for the NOSE!!  Look up your Mama's old brownie or cookie or cake or pie recipe.  Make yourself some "me" time and bake up a storm.  Your house will smell like home.  You can even take some of your baked goods to work or to a neighbor's house or to a friend or family member and bask in the glow of their ooohs...and ahhhs...everybody loves homemade treats!
  3. Take a walk in nature.
    If you have dogs, take the dogs for a walk in nature! Or, if not, go alone. Go to a local state or county park and walk, or just walk around your neighborhood or your property.  Being outside in the crisp cool air of February will make you feel better.  Stretch those muscles and listen to nature as she begins to wake up for the spring.  Nature always cheers me up and reminds me that God loves me.
  4. Take a relaxing bath!
    Always a good idea to pamper yourself a little.  Go buy some lavender bath salts or some other favorite.  Relax and soak your troubles away.  You deserve it.
  5. Watch a favorite movie.
    Movies are always a great escape!  Re-watch your favorite movie with a nice glass of wine or hot chocolate.  If you have movie-loving friends, make it a movie party!  You'll be glad you did. 
  6. Curl up on the porch with a blanket and a good book.
    Always a favorite.  Especially if you have a big porch rocker or a great porch swing!  
  7. Call your grown children and reminisce.
    If you have grown children, or nieces or nephews or cousins or other family that are like your children, call them and talk about old times.  This always always always cheers me up. 

    I love my sons so very much.  Talking to them makes me know that I may not have accomplished all my childhood dreams in this life, but I did do something even more important.  I raised wonderful children, and I have wonderful grown granddaughters.  I am truly blessed and I am thankful.
  8. Buy yourself something new.
    Even a new pair of $1.00 fuzzy socks will cheer you up.  Just getting out of the house and shopping can be fun.  You'll get to see all the new fashions and you may find a bargain you didn't know was there!  
  9. Visit that new restaurant near your house.
    Don't be afraid to go out to eat alone.  If you feel uncomfortable going for dinner by yourself, spring for a lunch.  So many people eat lunch alone that you won't feel out of place, and you might even make a new friend!  You never know.  At any rate, you might get to eat some very very very good food that you did NOT have to cook!  Always a plus!
  10. Spurge and take a class.
    Take a pottery class.  Take a cooking class.  Take an art class.  Take a dog training class.  Take a writing class.  Take a music class.  Take a Tai Chi class. Or just download the MeetUp app on your phone and look for like-minded people to do something with.  Seriously.  Get out into the world and enjoy your life.  These are your silver years!!!  Enjoy your life while you can.  It spins by so quickly.  Before you know it, February will turn to Spring and Spring to Summer and so on.  Too fast.
Don't waste a minute.  Life is an adventure.  Explore!

That is my advice to you today.  If you do this, you will not have time to worry about all the relationship mushiness that is February.  You'll be too busy having fun just being the marvelous person that is you.  🤗

If all else fails to make you feel better, go to your local SPCA and play with some puppies and/or kittens. It is very hard to be sad when you are getting puppy kisses, and that is just the truth!

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