Saturday, February 4, 2017

A Dog's Purpose - The Movie - One Dog Lover's Review

First of all, let me say, if you have not yet read the book, A Dog's Purpose, by W. Bruce Cameron, RUN!!!  DO NOT WALK!!! To your nearest bookstore or library and READ IT NOW, or purchase it by clicking HERE.

You want to read this book.  It is one of my all time favorite books, and those of you who know me personally, know I love to read a LOT, so that is saying something important.  Get a box of tissues and keep them nearby and read the book.  DO NOT STOP READING the book until the very end. 

I am serious.  DO NOT STOP READING.  Sorry.  Didn't mean to shout, but that is important to know because you will want to stop.  You will probably stop several times, but don't.  Just don't.  You will thank me for this later.

That book will make you laugh out loud.  It will make you cry out loud like you've lost your best friend in the world.  You will wail!  You will be elated!  You will be devastated. 

You're going to be so happily exhausted in the end that you will want to go see this movie.

Don't get your hopes up too high.

There is no way that a movie can possibly replicate the emotion of this book.  Know this going into the theater.  Believe it.  It is true.

But it is still a pleasant enough movie.  I may have enjoyed it more if I didn't know how good the book is. 

The dogs in the movie are adorable, and I want them all.  Yes.  I always want all the dogs in the world, but these are particularly fetching, I'd say.  

The human characters didn't seem as developed.  

There's just not enough time in a movie to go through that many scenes with so many characters, and the dogs were the focus, so I felt you really didn't have enough time to get to know the humans, except for the boy.  The boy's character was good, and I admit I cried like a baby when the dog found him in the end.  I'm a sucker for a good dog story, and I would honestly LOVE for all the furry children I've had in this life to find me again.  I miss them all so....

There were some happy scenes with the dogs, and there were some disturbing scenes with the dogs.  In other words, it kinda showed real life a little bit.  A dog's life is not always pleasant even though I do try to make my own dogs' lives very pleasant, I know it is not like that for all dogs, or for all children or for all people or other animals for that matter.  The movie showed some of that.  It made me sad.

It is a good enough movie.  I enjoyed it, but I think I would have enjoyed it just as much on DVD.  I'd recommend you seeing it at some point, but if you only have so much money for movies, then I think this is one to get from Redbox later. 

Just one dog lover's opinion. 

What are your thoughts?  Have you seen it yet???  

Do watch the trailer below.  It is very good!  Enjoy!

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