Thursday, July 27, 2017

A Boy and His Dog: One True Story

Back in the 1970s, I was blessed with three wonderful sons.  The first came on a snowy December day, and my life has never been the same since. We named him Dave.

When Dave was two years old, my second son was born.  To keep my first son company while our family adjusted to its newest addition, we were blessed to have been given the BEST girl dog ever to walk this planet.  Her name was Lady, and she was six weeks old when a friend gave her to us. 

Lady was an Australian Shepherd who looked like a Border Collie because of her coloring, but her personality was pure Aussie.  We loved her so.

Lady watched over my oldest son constantly.  She was his savior more than once.  They were inseparable by the time my third son arrived when Dave was four years old.

One fine day around that time Dave had learned about dinosaurs.  He was fascinated with them, so when he told me he and his trusty steed (Lady) were going hunting for baby dinosaurs for me to cook for supper, I simply assumed it was because of the books we had been reading, so I told him, "Good idea!"

My mistake.  He really was hunting baby dinosaurs.  Guess what he brought me??

Yep.  You guessed it.  A big ol' lizard.

Dave and Lady had many adventures over the years.  I'm sure he has stories he could tell you that he has never even told me.  

Lady lived to be 14 years old. She was a joy every single one of those days.

If you are on the fence about allowing your children to have a dog, I vote for the dog.  They teach children about unconditional love and kindness.  They show them the important things in life like tummy rubs and never allowing a stranger too close to loved ones without warning them.  

Dogs are the best of God's creation.  If a dog allows you to be its human, you are blessed.  Yes.  Blessed indeed.

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