- I've sold my Charleston, SC house.
- I've purchased my Spartanburg, SC house, and
- My dogs and I have MOVED to Spartanburg!
Now. I lived only a few miles away from Spartanburg, SC for 40 years. I did some graduate work at USC-Upstate back in the 80s, so I came to Spartanburg daily for a time. I used to always shop in Spartanburg several times a year, etc. I've had to spend time in Spartanburg Hospitals in the past and I've visited many other people in those hospitals.
What I'm trying to say is Spartanburg is not really new to me, but since I have been away from this area for 22 years now, there have definitely been a LOT of changes! Whole new neighborhoods have been built. So many new businesses are here now. New roads are everywhere and on and on.
It is a city now where it used to be a town when I was growing up. I have a LOT of exploring to do in the coming years.
I simply love the area, and I like exploring the city of it: stores, restaurants, etc., but my dogs like to explore more natural settings, so today we went in search of a nice trail through the woods that would make them happy.
I was trying to find the Cottonwood Trail, but I was having major problems. My GPS lady (whom I believe has some sort of serious mental disorder) took me to Spartanburg High School and said, "You have arrived!"
Crazy. There is no evidence of a trail right in front of Spartanburg High School. Ugh.
So...the dogs and I rode around a bit. I assumed I was close to the trail, I just couldn't find it at first, but then, luckily, I turned down Beachwood Drive and saw a sign for the Edwin M. Griffin Nature Preserve. I pulled into the parking area there, got out of the car, and read the sign (pictured below). I saw that the Cottonwood Trail is actually one of the trails in the Edwin M. Griffin Nature Preserve.
Who knew?
I had stumbled upon the very place I wanted to be!! Amazing!
One of the first things I saw was the sculpture seen below. I loved the place immediately. I put the leashes on the dogs; we chose a trail; and off we went into the woods!
Dolly and Stark led the way.
The sky was impossibly blue. We happened upon these dead trees. Beautiful even in death on this perfect day.
We walked and walked and only passed one person for a long time. Suddenly we happened up on this gorgeous sturdy bridge. Dolly was so happy! She always loved crossing the bridges at Magnolia Plantation near our Charleston house. She excitedly pulled ahead. It made me smile so big!
On the other side of the bridge was a little park with picnic tables and benches. The grass was all mown. It was like a little oasis in the middle of the wood. Lovely.

The dogs and I walked around the little clearing and happened up on several other trails. We chose a little loop of a trail that crossed another small bridge and circled back to the big bridge. Dolly really loves the bridges. Below the dogs are pictured standing on the large bridge.
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Stark |
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Dolly (Look how happy!) |
It was such a pleasant walk. We will definitely go back here and explore the other trails another day!